Belkyra, liposuction of a double chin (the submental area) without surgery is a novel and revolutionary product that from September 2017 has been used in Spain by Allergan and now Dr. José Salvador has obtained the necessary accreditation for its use from its founder Dr. Deborah Sherman of Nashville (Texas).
Dr. Sherman has been developing the product since 2015 (named Kybella in the US) and has treated more than 2,500 patients, and it has been a real revolution in the treatment of fat accumulated in the double chin.
Its chemical component is deoxycholic acid, a very powerful lipolytic agent, which destroys the fat where it is injected and which has come to replace conventional liposuction in this area; it is a true fat solvent supported by strong clinical research and very rigorous health controls.
The treatment zone is the submental area or double chin. In other areas of fat location, the product has not been fully tested at the moment and pending more definitive results, there are no other areas indicated for this new treatment.

The technique used with the product is microinjection. By means of an acetate template the points to be injected are marked on the area then the injection is carried out by micropunctions.
The technique may be somewhat irritating, so the use of topical or a local anaesthetic is recommended and may produce an inflammatory effect in the first 24-48 hours requiring the use of an oral anti-inflammatory.
The number of sessions will depend on the degree of submental lipodystrophy to be treated, that is, on the amount of fat accumulated in the submental area.
On average, 2-3 sessions are recommended; the sessions being performed in the consultation itself and last about 20 minutes.
This is the strong point of this new technique. The results are incredible; in just one session, patients are already able to experience very obvious results and by the second session the disappearance of fat, retraction of the skin, marking of the mandibular line and definition of the angle of the neck are truly extraordinary.
There is currently no other substance on the market that can achieve these same results, including liposuction itself, since the skin retraction factor in surgery is a very big limitation.
At Biyo we are very happy to have been accredited for the use of treatments with this product and we believe that all of our patients will be able to benefit from it and achieve spectacular results.
If you want to improve the look of your face or if you have any request relating the Belkyra technique, please do not hesitate to ask for an appointment or to contact us.
Remember we can serve you in Alicante or Torrevieja.