Gynecomastia. Excessive Male Breasts.
Gynecomastia is a disorder of the male breasts which make them increase in size, at times adopting a similar shape to the female breast.
Before hospitalisation a blood test, an electrocardiogram and x-ray are required.
The gynecomastia can be performed either with general or local anastehtic with sedation. This last case requires a hospital stay of 24 hours. If performed under sedation., it is done on an outpatient basis.
The gynecomastia technique consists of the extraction of the breast content through an incision on the edge of the areola or through lipoaspiration in the event of the breast content being of a fatty nature.
The duration of the surgery is around an hour.
A thoracic corset must be worn for some 10 days to avoid hematomas and lymphatic drainage is recommended to accelerate recovery.
Once the stitches have been removed within a week, normal work and social life can be resumed.
If you want to improve the look of your breast or have any doubt regarding the gynecomastia technique, please do not hesitate to ask for an appointment or to contact us.
Remember we can serve you in Alicante or Denia.